A Sandbox for playful, creative living.

Hello! My name is Crystal Jowperson.
Welcome to Make Stuff, a space where I document my creative thoughts, experiments, and projects.

Who am I?
Bios can feel a bit awkward, so here’s a list of 10 things about me instead:

  1. I have over 40 houseplants in my apartment.

  2. I’ve been crocheting since 3rd grade.

  3. I’ve carried a sketchbook with me everywhere since high school.

  4. One of my favorite activities in NYC is drawing people on the subway.

  5. I work as a creative technologist with my partner—and I love it.

  6. My cooking style is best described as “California Asian.”

  7. I’ve completed over 500 hours of yoga teacher training.

  8. As an adult, I’ve taught yoga, drawing, animation, and programming.

  9. I love solo traveling, especially to places that aren’t car-dependent.

  10. When I was 5, I said I wanted to be a teacher or an artist when I grew up.